2018 KCM Program-1
Contest Summaries
Hi Fellow Advisers, What a DAY! Note to self: Do not wait until the LAST MINUTE to FIND your KCM entries. It makes for a rather un-fun kind of day. OK, please…
KCM’s new Paypal account
Greetings, everyone! Great news — You now can pay your membership balance and conference registration online! Kansas Collegiate Media now has a Paypal account: kansascollegiatemedia@gmail.com. Though I know many of you have said your institution is…
2018 KCM membership form
Kansas Collegiate Media membership form 2017-18 Don’t forget to fill out your membership form for the current year (attached) and send your dues to Corbin at JCCC (his work address in the…
Journalists of Year
Max McCoy has graciously agreed to coordinate the 2018 contest. Full information here.
Entry clarification
Unless otherwise indicated by a specific category, all entries for the 2018 KCM conference should be published between Feb. 8, 2017 and Feb. 8, 2018. I will try to update any contrary…